Call for Guests
We’re looking to feature new diverse voices in comparative politics!
To get the best idea of what we're looking for, please listen to a couple episodes. Here are a few general guidelines:
We aim to feature cutting-edge comparative politics research, broadly conceptualized. This includes work that crosses over into other subfields in political science and work on politics that is grounded in other social sciences.
We prioritize emerging (pre-tenure) scholars, but will also consider more senior scholars as potential guests.
We are looking for work that is recently published or in-progress at an advanced stage and that makes crisp, well-structured arguments that can be conveyed clearly and concisely in the course of an interview.
We are as interested in the empirical underpinnings of authors' claims as we are in the claims themselves. We thus tend to feature work that rests on well-defined, self-conscious empirical strategies, whether qualitative, quantitative, or some combination of the two.
Because our listenership is broad, we like to feature research that has theoretical, conceptual, or methodological implications that extend beyond the specific cases or context(s) being studied (hence "Scope Conditions"!).
Would your research or the research of a scholar you admire be a great fit? If so, please fill out the form below.